
Data description builder for csensors .. index:: csensors-scan, scan .. program:: csensors-scan

  • search through part of /sys tree
  • determine interesting ( in csensors sense ) parts of /sys tree
  • parse interesting parts and try to classify/guess nature of constant/variable/variable array/text

csensors-scan invocation

The csensors-scan script has several options:

-h, --help

Print a brief help message and exits.


Prints the manual page and exits.

-n, --dry-run

Don’t actually create new data descriptions (input configurations) - just print what is found.

-v, --verbose

Print all available information.


Comma separated List of directories to add to default ones ( to append to /sys/class/...). Default “”. Disabled by –add mode.


List of directories to scan insted of default ones. Default “{hwmon,power_supply,thermal}”. Disabled by –add mode.


Direcroty root to scan. Default “/sys/class”. Disabled by –add mode.


Add just one file . Disables –root,–dir-list and –dir options


Solve which (/sys/*) items are constant and which are variables simply by repeated reading. This method can find rapidly changing items like CPU temperature, but is guaranted to fail in the case of battery capacity of wall plugged notebook and so on.


Override configuration prefix. Files and directories outside configuration prefix are unreachable by the rest of csensros package. Use with care.xs


Petr Silhavy <petr DOT silhavy AT yandex DOT com>