
is the configuration tool for csensors’s applet. It allows detailed tuning of graphs and gradients.

For the ease of use csensors-config is broken down to several pages

Detailed graphs setup


allows you to set parameters of individual graph.


Creating new graph [*].

To create new graph you may choose from following methods

  • Short path: To quickly make new graph press Plus you will be asked only for device. The result is very coarse - lot of fine tuning may be required.
  • Detailed setup: Run assistant and you will be guided through many steps of detailed setup.

Graph conditions

After each change to graph setup following checks are made [†]

If one of conditions is false, then the live graph sample is disabled.

[*]Currently there is no way to change device of existing graph. For example : if you dislike Core 0 graph and want to watch drawings for Core 3, you must remove graph for Core 0 and then add graph for Core 3.
[†]No unit checking here. All unit checks are made in graph min and graph max menu generation.

Text options

Text options are well hidden under Text options reveal er.




If default gradients are insufficient for your needs, this page allows you to manage all gradients. Bind gradient to graph by Gradient menu.



Data page


Data page serves as hub for viewing all current inputs.

data page

For array ( e.g. /proc/loadavg) and matrix ( /proc/interrupts for example ) like files data page act as tool for selecting interesting parts of large data-set.

data page interrupts
